Thursday, September 19, 2024
Car AudioNews

Who Ate All The Pies? (GEEK ALERT!) EMMA Pie Charts Reveal Competitors’ Preferences

With 170 Sound Quality competitors and 62 EMMA Sound Pressure Level (ESPL) and dB Drag Racing cars, there was a lot of kit doing the competition rounds in Europe this year.
Some stalwart ‘statto’ at EMMA (European Mobile Multimedia Association) has compiled a whole warm and sweet smelling tray of hot pies. (Ummmmm, pieeeS!) Each one covers a different cateogory:

Headunits Sound Quality & Multi Media
Headunits ESPL & Racing
Front speakers SQ & MM
Front speakers ESPL & Racing
Amplifiers SQ & MM
Amplifiers ESPL & Racing
Subwoofers SQ & MM
Subwoofers ESPL & Racing
Cables SQ & MM
Cables ESPL & Racing
Batteries/Caps SQ & MM
Batteries/Caps ESPL & Racing
Active Components SQ & MM
Active Components ESPL & Racing
It’s one for a cup of coffee and a biscuit. I think ‘Empty’ means “Nah Not Telling” which says more about competitors’ filling in of forms or their attitude to revealing all – you choose!