Friday, March 7, 2025
Car AudioNews


Profanity warning. With A tremendous body of advance work booked at Oxford Car Audio, their addition to the list of top companies about the UK, who are needing more staff, is hardly surprising. They are used by Alpine to create their demo car installations and do work to the highest standards. They created the fabulous JL Audio Graffiti Beetle, which is in their store. Big Mick, a chum who is an award-winning stadium-scale sound engineer, said it was one of the best cars he ever heard.. and he has been subjected to dozens by me over the years.
For a mad trend has emerged and suddenly, along with the upswing in new car sales, the UK motoring public are just more likely to believe the stuff done at the likes of top specialists, is worth doing. I truly believe that now all the Shitty-Shyster-Box-Shifting-Wankers (ooh where did that come from?) have gone bust, all we have had left for some years is the best. And word of mouth seems to be the king. Stuff the insternet.. chortle.
Anyway, I get this delightful missive from Steve ‘˜LEM’ Le Masurier, who is a totally regular bloke but DOES have a regional accent. It isn’t Lord Snooty and he thinks he sounds utterly ‘˜regular’ but he enunciates his English in the accent of Oxford, our seat of British Posh, as it is like Cambridge.. but well, posher. Anyway, he also labours under the belief that he cannot write but the below was his simple enquiry to see if Oxford Car Audio could join in with the Talk Audio Summer Recruitment Drive! I can also tell you that there are literally lots of jobs for mobile telematics fitters in the trade right now. Just Google and pursue iFitstuff.

Here is Lem’s mail to me:
Hello Adam,
You have definitely been busy since we all got back from Miami! Your magazine page is on fire!
What an incredible place Miami is, I didn’t want to come back to reality, I will definitely be doing my best to visit there again some day.
Now I am back in the real world, myself and Mark have come to realise that we can not continue at the rate we are going. Our diary booked well ahead and the hours have not been sensible for some time.
So following in the footsteps of CAS and Huets we are looking to employ an experienced installer. We already have a trainee who will take some time to get up to speed but we could really do with someone who will be able to work on their own initiative with minimal direction to relieve some of the pressure. It’s a good problem to have for a newish business so I’ve been told but we could do with a helping hand nonetheless.
So would it be possible for you to add something to your magazine? Should I put a few words together outlining suitable candidates etc? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I must also say how much fun it was talking shop with you and the other guys in Florida.. I normally get rolling eyes or deep sighs when I converse about car audio for more than ten minutes! It was way cooler than I would normally admit to!
Hope all is fine and dandy with you and TalkAudio.
Best regards, Steve.

Well, apart from suitable candidates, I think that says it all apart from the contact. So, if you want to go work for a place that could make you into a star, then check out their website here: link and then mail lem@oxfordcaraudio with your pitch for the job, a CV and a covering mail
The OCA Beetle